Method 1. Embedding a Video from YouTube. Search the video on YouTube. Click on the search box and enter the name of the video that you wish to share on your Blogger post. Select a video from yourYouTube channel. Share your video. Click on the Blogger icon. Embed video directly into your post. Publish your post.

My 19 year old son started pursuing me when he was 14, and I finally let him have what he wanted and needed. I would go nuts without his young, hard, big, and wonderful feeling di

I know that a lot of married women let their dogs fuck them because their husbands lose interest in sex. I much prefer my son for I love him in many way, and he loves me as his mother and his lover. Even when he goes out on a date he comes home to have sex (perhaps again) with me. There has to be other women fucking their sons. Do you ever feel guilty? Have you adjusted to just enjoying it? Sure would like to hear from someone who feels as I do. Mercy, Kisumu.

Take away the spontaneous s3x that happens once in a while and are mostly far between, women tend to have a lot of pre-s3x rituals they undergo to prime their minds and bodies up for lovemaking. The spontaneity that comes with ripping off her clothes with passion and zeal is one everyone wants to experience without being bothered about certain things but it doesn’t always happen. Women oftentimes enjoy doing certain things that have become norms before s3x which a lot of them would fail to admit to you.


Dress Up In A Sexy Lingerie They Hardly Ever Use
Women tend to have that one sexy lingerie they have hidden in their wardrobes which only comes out for the special sex occasion. Though it does come with the occasional struggle of the right time to put it on.
Shave Off The Pubic Hair
There’s a chance your woman wants to be well and cleanly shaved both under her armpits and down there. She definitely wants to prepare a smooth ground for you.
Clean And Tidy Up Her Room In A Hurry
Because there’s a little bit of spontaneity in the air, she might be in a hurry to make her room appear clean and tidy. A cursory look at her wardrobe might make you see the mess she quickly cleaned up. And of course, the bed would be left at its best.
Inspect Herself Down There
She surely know that her vulva and clitoris would look the same as it has always been but she still doesn’t want to be caught by surprise since you’d be going down there. She wants to be sure no unpleasant surprises come up.
Getting Her Lower Extremity Smelling Nice And Fresh
When you go down on her, you’d probably love her for smelling all nice and fresh. Thank her for prepping herself up for sex as she most likely used deodorants, sprays and douches to keep herself clean and fresh. She actually put in a bit of effort despite how sensitive those parts her to make you and of course, herself happy.
Prepare a Sex Playlist
Because a lot of women are romantic and they wouldn’t want their moans and groans to be heard by neighbours, she’d probably prepare a sexual playlist to increase the intensity of your make out.
Talk To Herself In Front Of The Mirror
Whether she’s peeing in the bathroom or brushing her teeth before you come over, she would stare at the mirror to reassure herself she’s doing the right thing.
Empty Her Bladder
She’d definitely want to get all the fluids in her bladder out in order to avoid any accidental squirting.
Check To Ensure Her Pills Are In Place
No matter how meticulous she is, if she’s having unprotected sex with you, she’d probably make sure that her pills are in place and up to date. Either she does this or she ensures she falls within the right time of her menstrual cycle.

They say, stolen sugar tastes sweeter. This woman who is allegedly a High School Headmistress was caught pants down having s3x with her student in the nearby bush!
The church man who spotted them and took the video is a member of the Angels Church who was doing his prayers in the bush. The Nakuru man got curious when he saw the two disappeared onto the ground. 


He got closer and saw the student pull down the Headmistress's pants and then his own trouser to just above the knees and the two started having sex. A four-minute tape was also recorded of the teacher and the student has become an instant hit in Kenya.

This is so amazingThe world’s heaviest woman, Pauline Potter, has said that over the past seven months she has lost seven stone after having ‘marathon s3x sessions’ with her husband.
The UK average clothes size for women is a size 16, and for the larger lady, some s3x positions can be quite a challenge, or simply boring, so we’ve compiled the top five s3x positions for larger ladies!


To help us, we’ve drafted in the professional help of Annabelle Knight, TV presenter and sex expert with Lovehoney, Britain's biggest online seller of sex toys.
Some think that the missionary can be quite boring, but Annabelle disagrees and says it’s great for larger women.
She says, “It sounds obvious but for a lot of bigger girls it can be a bit tricky. If this is the case then you can easily adapt the position to suit you, just pop a pillow or two under your bum.
“This will provide plenty of support and raise your pelvis increasing the chances of you getting some seriously good G Spot action! Then simply raise your knees up to your chest, with your feet either side of your partner.
“For some added wow factor plant them on his chest, he'll love the feeling of you trying to resist.”
Doggie Style
“Awful name, great position!”, says Annabelle, who insists that this position is great for those women who are a little conscious about their figure.
She says, “This is great for him and even better for her, especially if you can get a bit belly conscious.
“Kneel on all fours while he enters you from behind, then either bring yourself upwards so he can feel all over your body or lean forward and lower your chest so your shoulders are below your waist, similar to a stretching cat.
“Your body will be elongated, making you feel really sexy and he will adore seeing you stretched out before him.”
Girl On Top
This position often leaves bigger women feeling quite uncomfortable, but Annabelle suggests adapting the position to suit you.
She says, “There's one simple trick to tackle this which will have you looking and feeling amazing, lean back!”
“Grab onto his ankles for a bit of added support and tilt your body backwards. This position makes your boobs look incredible and really shows off your body.”
Stand and Deliver
This is a really versatile position and can often lead to the most intense orgasms as you’ll be standing.
Annabelle says, “Stand on your tip toes and use a piece of furniture to lean against. The beauty of this position is that you can face your partner or turn away from them.
“A well-positioned mirror can add a bit of extra sparkle to this one or if you don't fancy that why not slip on a pair of heels; this will give you killer legs and make you feel like a goddess!”
Side Winder
This is one of the harder positions, but is definitely worth the extra effort. Your man will put the work, leaving you to enjoy the experience.
Annabelle says, “Start off on your side, if you want you can use some pillows for  extra comfort and support, keeping one leg in line with your body raise the other one in the air and as he enters you pop it on your partners shoulder.
“This is great for him as he'll feel totally in control, since this is the case I think it's totally acceptable for you to let him do all the work! Leaving you plenty of time to lie back, relax and enjoy the show, this one really is a win/win all round.”

 This week on my blog, I am  going to talk about how being ''booty'' or ''light-skinned'' woman puts you in a privileged position.

Being brown, or is it yellow, makes you better than the girls with dark skin, even though your brain is the size of a peanut. If you are the right skin colour, you get to have more sex than anyone else. The same applies to girls with big bums.


So in college, the big-bummed light-skinned girls are perched on top of the food chain and the rest fight for space below. How fast things change! Back in my day, big breasts put you on top. Anyway, reading this made me feel ashamed. I was ashamed because we, men, are at the forefront of this nonsense. I may not care much about brown skin, but I’ll be the first to admit that I’m guilty, given that I have written about the female posterior in a way that glorifies it. And as much as it’s my personal preference, I should know better because of my responsibility as a writer with platforms that might shape thoughts, especially those of younger minds.

As men we continue to “like” and share pictures of women with big buttocks on Instagram. We glorify this madness. What we don’t know is that it shapes the attitudes of younger women who grow up convinced that they are less beautiful because they are dark-skinned or because they don’t have the kind of buttocks we like. For someone who has a daughter (and she isn’t exactly light-skinned and doesn’t exactly have buttocks worth talking about at eight years), I really should know better. And so here is a letter to all the girls out there, wondering what beauty is.

Dear Young’uns,
Beauty isn’t determined by how big your buttocks are. They are indeed beautiful, but they aren’t the yardstick of beauty. May I, for the sake of this article, call it “booty” as the language you are accustomed to? Right. Most of us, men, who go online talking about big booty have dated women who didn’t have big booty because some of them were the wittiest, funniest, most intelligent women we were ever with. Unfortunately, big booty grows old quickly if that’s all you are dragging to the table.

Your booty won’t be as perky in five years as it is now. Age and gravity will ensure that. So if you have nothing else on the table you are standing on quicksand. And in any case, there is always a bigger and better buttock than yours around the corner.

You aren’t less beautiful because your buttocks aren’t shaped like Toni Braxton’s. Nobody sits down to talk to booty during a date, we talk to a human being. We don’t call booty when we need an insight. Nobody ever sat around a table at dinner and later said, “wow, conversation was great tonight, that was a great group of ladies with big booty. Please invite them again.”

So stimulate a man’s mind rather than his crotch, you will find the longevity of it all rewarding. It will last longer because we are men, we will always find the next big booty if we look, but we will hardly ever find the next sexy mind that stimulates us intellectually. And if by any chance you find yourself with a man who only sees you for your buttocks, then there is a problem if there ever was any. You are more than just booty. Refuse to allow yourself to be defined by your booty, don’t allow us to reduce you to such lows.

So you aren’t “light-skinned enough” for us? So you aren’t in “team lightskin”? We like light because it distracts the world from our inadequacies, so don’t let yourself be dragged into our self-esteem struggles. I know many lovely dark-skins, so don’t let us pigeonhole you based on our frivolous classifications. You aren’t just a colour. You are more than brown or yellow, I want to imagine. Surely, there is a shade somewhere.

We are men, we will treat you how you view and treat yourself. If you see yourself as nothing but booty, that’s how we will treat you. If you see yourself as a light-skin, that’s how we will see you. If you see yourself as a smart woman, that’s exactly how we will see you. You basically define how you want us to see you.

So if you give these qualities strength, that’s how that cookie will crumble.

Don’t kill yourself bleaching your face or trying to get big booty. I’m not saying let yourself go and look like a scarecrow in the rain, no. I’m saying that you are who you are, but you are much better building your mind, because that’s long-term.

Look good, yes, but also build yourself. Read a book. Pick a newspaper sometimes. Surround yourself with people who build you, not people who see you as yellow or black or big booty. Define your narrative. And the next time we say we only do light-skinned girls with big booty, tell us, “You will find a ton of them when you walk through that door. And please lock it behind you!”

That man in the video is a teacher, he should be roasted alive!!! From the video, i'm not sure he forced the girl into having sex with him because she seemed relax and they had someone video them. Students of today are something else meeeen!!! Isn’t This Crazy???.. I need you all to watch the video and drop your views about it.
Download below and Share Your Thoughts...


Maina, 42, of Machakos , is accused of sexually assaulting the Primary School students on multiple occasions between 2013 and 2017. He is facing multiple counts of aggravated sexual assault and endangering the welfare of a child.
The charges relate to roughly 12 separate sexual interactions, court said. The alleged victims are all 15 years old at the time of the incidents.
Authorities allege the sex acts occurred on school property and in his car. Maina has been a language arts teacher at the school for about nine years, prosecutors said.

 As the saying goes, bigger doesn’t necessarily mean better. These words aptly describe pen1s sizes and how they deliver sexual pleasure, which a lot of women can attest to. The size of your penis should not be a major concern for you, if you can find the right position that suits your size.
There’s a sex position for every type of penis size which would help you gain and deliver maximum pleasure with your partner. Asides the various medically approved organ enlargement and reduction positions, you can use your penis in its natural state to please your partner.
Hence, here are four sex positions that are specifically tailored for different sizes and shapes of penis, be it a giant sized, average, small penis or one that is significantly curved. These positions are meant to give you maximum thrust and pleasure delivery.
Average sized
The first rule here is to be open minded and realise that a lot of sex positions are open for you to experiment with. One of the best positions for a man with an average sized penis is the “Crouching Dragon”. This position involves the female wrapping her arms and legs around the shoulders and midsection of her male companion. The male is now expected to crouch down in a crouch position that would make his lower body serve as a human chair for the female. The lady can then press her body firmly on her partners while she grinds against him.
There’s a caveat here though, the male should have the strength to carry his female partner especially if she’s on the big side.
Big Sized
If you’re a man with a big sized penis, you’d have to exercise a lot of patience. Try and spend between 15 to 20 minutes on foreplay to help your female partner’s vagina expand well enough to take you in. You may also want her to use vagina lubricants to aid easy entry. Furthermore, it is advisable for the female to be on top as this gives her the ability to control how deep you go. While on top, the female can lean on the males body while having her hands down in a push up position. This position helps reduce the strain of his size and you may also want him to bend his knees to provide support for your back.
Small Sized (Less Than Six Inches)
It’s best for men who measure less than 6 inches to penetrate their partners through the rear. This sex position provides deep penetration than others. The female should simply rest her head and shoulders on a pillow while having her butt raised up with her thighs squeezed together. The tighter the thighs are together, the more the penis fits. Also, avoid using lubricants as a small sized penis would do better with friction.
Curved Shape
The best position for penises which curve slightly to one direction is to have the man stand while the woman lies on the bed. The female should curl herself up ‘like a ball’ while the man penetrate her whole using her shoulders for support. Both you and your partner can look for the position that’s most comfortable and gives maximum pleasure depending on which direction the penis bends to while you’re at it.

When I was growing up, the few times that such nonsense ever happened in my area, the men and women in the act were taken to pastors who prayed for them to be delivered from the spirit controlling and pushing them into such shameful act. But these days, some pastors are the one getting controlled by that same spirit.
The Senior Pastor and general Overseer of Maximum Deliverance Church, Pastor John Simon was caught live in the act by policemen sent by a top military officer to secretly monitor the pastor and his wife…


There is nothing more I hate than loose pu$$y. So a couple of weeks back I was banging some chick but the pu$$y was a freeway. It felt like I was banging a bucket of water. I ended up losing the boner and I asked her to leave.

So I googled that shit and some articles had some information about a woman closing her legs during s3x.
Try these 5 great ideas TODAY for tighter, more
satisfying s3x for both you and your lover!

1.Tight Squeeze

Lie down on your stomach and, keeping your legs straight, spread them slightly. Rest your arms by your side, or stretch them out in front of you. Have your guy stretch his body over yours, resting on his elbows so he doesn't place all his weight on you. He then positions his legs outside your legs. As he enters you, close your legs and cross them at the ankles.

2. Legs Up, With Your Feet On His Chest

Start out on your back, like you and your lover
were getting into the missionary position.
However, instead of spreading your legs wide and
having him enter you that way, lift your legs up
and place your feet on his chest. This will allow for
deeper penetration, however, it will also make
your vagina squeeze tighter around his penis. Use
this sex position after you’ve gotten your fill of
kissing and caressing, because since your feet and
legs are actually in between the two of you, there’s
not going to be much room for kissing and
intimacy of that nature.
An Even Tighter Variation
Cross your ankles – in fact, if you’re able to, cross
them as close to your thighs as possible. If you
can only cross them at your ankles or knees, that’s
fine too. What this does is it brings the two sides
of your vaginal walls even closer together, so he’ll
actually be rubbing up against each side with his
penis. This will feel more snug to him and create
more friction – which will be pleasurable for both
of you!

3. “Planking”

Yes, the popular social activity now has a place in
the bedroom, but you probably don’t want to put
this picture up on your social media websites. This
is one of the best sex positions to make intercourse
feel tighter, and women love it because it still
allows for that great face to face interaction and
intimacy during sex. Lie flat on your back like with
missionary style, but with your legs completely
closed. Make sure you’re lubed up enough and let
him enter you like that – not only will he rub up
against your pressed-togethe­r thighs, your vagina
will also seem much tighter to him this way.
An Even Tighter Variation
Flip over and give the planking sex position a
“doggy style” spin. Let him enter you from behind,
but still with your legs all the way closed. He will
love seeing your whole body laid out or him, and
he’ll especially enjoy getting to caress your butt as
you two get it on. This can also be one of the best
sex positions for tight anal sex if you’re into that!

4. The Lotus Position

The lotus sex position is another great one for
creating more friction during penetration. Have
your partner sit on a flat surface, with his legs
crossed “Indian style.” You’ll straddle him, lower
your vagina onto his penis, and then wrap your
legs around his hips and back. Getting a good
rhythm going can be a little difficult here, so don’t
be surprised when this sex position feels slow and
sensual to you. Not only will his penis rub against
the walls of your vagina more, having your legs
wrapped around him will give him the illusion that
he’s completely surrounded by you.
An Even Tighter Variation
When he’s sitting, instead of having your lover
cross his legs “Indian style,” have him lay them
straight out in front of him as though he would
bend forward and touch his toes. Again, you’ll
straddle him, but don’t wrap your legs all the way
around his hips and back. Instead, rest your knees
on the bed, on either side of his legs. This brings
your legs even closer together than the actual lotus
position, which will cause your vagina to hug his
penis even more snugly.

5. Standing Sex

 Stand up against the wall and have your partner
enter you. To get standing sex to work properly,
you may need to stand on a foot stool, or cock
your leg out just a little to give him more entry
room. Once you get going though, he will love the
feeling of shoving you up against the wall and
having his way with you. Plus, your legs are
(mostly) together, so he’ll feel every inch of your
An Even Tighter Variation
Stand with your back to your lover, and bend
forward as though you were trying to touch your
toes. This gives your lover a great view and again,
he’ll feel all sides of your vagina as you make love.

Guys do it so why shouldn't they do so?
One of the most important philosophies I live by, and am keen to teach, is that you have to learn to love yourself first, before you can expect anyone else to. Beauty really does come from within, and a confident, self-assured person exudes powers of attraction a thousand times more fatal than someone who is yet to know themselves.


It’s very important to put aside some 'me' time, to concentrate on attending to your individual needs, by self-pleasuring. Regardless of whether you're in a solid relationship, are happily single, or are on the lookout for new excitement, it's important to reacquaint yourself with your own body from time to time.

Exploring what turns you on, experimenting with different toys, and really using your imagination can have a significant impact, not just on your love life but on you as a person. 
As one of the best ways to explore and get to know your own body, masturbation is one of life's essential pleasures. It gives us not only a quick-fix in the orgasm department, but it's also a vital way for both singles and couples to find out what gets you off.

Masturbation shouldn't just be about having a quickie in the bathroom or underneath the sheets; it can be so much more than that. Whether you're working solo, or want to get your hands on a loved one, exploring different ways of exciting yourself (and each other), can have all kinds of benefits from achieving a better understanding of how your body works to getting rid of previously-held inhibitions, taboos and other social barriers that society still insists on putting in our way.
Still not convinced? Here are two great reasons to consider self-loving.

1. Masturbation is good for you!
Masturbation helps prevent cervical infections and helps relieve urinary tract infections and is associated with improved cardiovascular health and lower risk of type-2 diabetes. Having trouble sleeping? Yep, masturbation can help work against insomnia naturally, through hormonal and tension release. Frequent self-pleasurers will be in a better mood and cope with stress better.

2.  You'll have seriously stronger orgasms.
The more you practice solo sex (and do you Kegel exercises), the more intense your orgasms will be. The practical aspect of strengthening your PC (pubococcygeus) muscles through Kegel exercises is that you'll recover from childbirth faster and prevent incontinence. The sexy side of it is that you'll have stronger orgasmic contractions paired with masturbation, women who have difficulty climaxingmay find it easier.  
Sienna Sinclaire ~ Naughty Los Angeles Sex & Dating Coach